
Team introduction Sales - Tim Stenger

Heute möchten wir einen weiteren Kollegen zu Wort kommen lassen. Tim Stenger ist seit 2012 Teil des Immergut-Teams. Er hat als Azubi angefangen und ist heute Key Account Manager.

"Für mich gibt es nichts Schöneres, als einen Kunden mit einer coolen und innovativen Idee von der Entwicklung bis zum fertigen Produkt zu begleiten. Dazu kommt, dass wir…

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Immergut helps: Help gets helpers!

The world can use helping hands everywhere. That is the basic idea of "Help gets helpers". A non-profit organization that has set up many great projects in the past few years to address grievances and fight them.

We were involved in the current project, which has the goal of drawing attention to bullying and the all too often wrong way of dealing…

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Team introduction product development - Maria Bauer

We'd like to introduce you to Maria Bauer. She has been a product developer at Immergut for 13 years and, together with her team, is the linchpin for creating recipes according to our customers' wishes.

"With my job at Immergut, I have the opportunity not only to develop products, but also to constantly develop myself."


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Immergut saves Paper

Yvonne Bayer has been part of Immergut for almost 30 years. She has therefore accompanied the digital transformation from the very beginning and has since made a major contribution to it.

As head of administration, she drives projects that reduce paper waste and simplify workflows. One of the latest projects is the introduction of an invoice…

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Team presentation Quality and sustainability management

Viktoria Mielke is Quality and Sustainability Manager at Immergut.

Sustainability is of particular importance to her, both in her job and in her private life. In addition to training her colleagues and setting new sustainability goals, she has also set herself some personal goals: buying food regionally, seasonally, and in recyclable packaging as…

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