
Team Introduction Human Resources Department - Melina Baier

Melina Baier from the HR department is in her first year after her apprenticeship. As the point of contact for all employees, she ensures that they are deployed and promoted in the company in the best possible way. She particularly enjoys the intensive contact with all employees and future employees, whether from the warehouse, purchasing or…

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Our amazing hemp!

We source the hemp for our drinks just around the corner, in Flieden, 9km away. There it is sustainably produced and processed by us into a delicious milk alternative.

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Our strategy meeting in Mannheim

Last weekend, all department heads met for a strategy meeting in Mannheim to discuss topics such as sustainability, efficiency, quality and new projects, and to plan the next fiscal year. After the meeting, the atmosphere was - like at Immergut - very merry.

An important point of this year's strategy meeting was the farewell of our longtime…

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Our products are always good, thanks to daily machine board round

We check every day that everything is running - so that you get the best result.

Quality points, defects, and the progress of the past 24 hours on each individual production line - these are our topics at the daily machine board round that our machine operators conduct and which helps us to ensure that our products remain truly Immergut.


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Less CO2 consumption at Immergut!

Avoid, reduce and compensate - with this motto we have managed to achieve our sustainability goal for 2021, namely to be CO2 neutral. 

With the help of our partner @climatepartner, we have managed to save 3,243,000kg of CO2 and have supported carbon offset projects in India and Brazil, which are committed to the construction of wind energy and the…

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