We train - despite Corona!

"The night is postponed, the training is not".

This message show "JES & Friends" these days with banners on your businesses and social media.

A "Night of Education" for the Bergwinkel. Under this finger the companies Jökel, Edeka and Kreissparkasse Schlüchtern - short JES have developed a concept. This night should take place in September 2020 in the companies.

In order to be able to offer a greater variety of jobs for interested trainees, the JES companies have brought cooperation partners, so-called "Friends", on board. These include PACO PAUL GmbH & Co. KG (Steinau), Möbel Rudolf (Schlüchtern), Main-Kinzig-Kliniken (Schlüchtern) and also Immergut GmbH & Co. KG (Schlüchtern).

Companies to touch was the set goal. A shuttle bus for the students, many stations and great offers. Then came Corona. With a heavy heart, the Night of Apprenticeship was postponed until 2021. "The night is postponed, the training is not" - was the unanimous opinion from the ranks of those involved at the coordination meeting on the premises of the Main-Kinzig Kliniken.  

This gave rise to the idea of communicating this to the outside world in order to motivate school leavers to apply. Recently, numerous applicants throughout Germany did not receive a training position due to the pandemic. At the moment, numerous programs are being set up by the federal and state governments to motivate companies to create training positions despite the difficult economic situation.

With more than 60 opportunities for vocational training, from internships to dual studies or traditional apprenticeships, the partners offer a broad regional portfolio. "Thanks to the support of the schools in the region, a concept has been created of which one can be proud," says Torsten Priemer.

Immergut GmbH & Co. KG offers a variety of exciting apprenticeships, such as:

  • Machine and plant operator - focus on food technology (m/f/d)
  • Dairy laboratory technician (m/f/d)
  • Milk technologist (m/f/d)
  • Mechatronics technician (m/f/d)
  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering (m/f/d)
  • Industrial clerk (m/f/d)

For more information on the night of training and the professions offered, please visit the homepage www.ausbildungs-nacht.de.